Sunday, May 24, 2009

I found it really touching!!

Dear son , dear daughter...

The day when you will find that I became very old , try to have some patience to me
and try to understand me.

If I get dirty by eating …
If I have some difficulty dressing… be patient! Remember the hours that I spent to learn you
any sorts of things when you were small

If I repeat the same thing dozens of time, do not interrupt me!
Listen to me!

When you were small, you kept asking me to read you the same history, evening after evening, until you fall asleep. And I made it !

If I do not wash myself any more so often under the shower, do not reprimand and do not tell me that it is a shame.

Remember how many excuses I had to invent to make you take a bath when you were small.

By seeing my ignorance
towards the new technologies, do not laugh at me but leave me rather the time to understand

I taught you so many things indeed to eat well …to dress well… to behave well… how to confront the problems of the life …

If I sometimes miss memory or am not able to follow a conversation, leave me the necessary time to recollect and if I do not reach there, do not become a nervous and arrogant person because the most important for me,… it is to be with you and to be able to speak to you.

If I refuse to eat, do not force myself !
I know very well when I am hungry and when I am not hungry.

When my poor legs will not allow me any more
to move as before …

…Help me in the same way as I held your hands
to learn you make your first steps.

And when one day, I shall say to you that I do not want to live any more …
that I want to die, do not get angry …
because one day, you will also understand !

Try to understand that at certain age, we do not really live any more. We simply survive!

One day, you will understand that in spite of all my errors, I always wanted what was best for you and that
I prepared you the ground for when you’ve grown up.

You do not have to feel sad, unfortunate or incompetent
in front of my old age and of my state.
You have to stay near me, try to understand what I live, to make your best as I did at your birth.

Help me to walk, help me to end my life
with love and patience. The only way that I need
to thank you for it, it is a smile and
a lot of love from you.

I love you …my son, my daughter!

Your Dad, your Mum

Peluang Yang Tak Patut Di sia-siakan

Skali lagi dapat peluang yang sangat susah nak dapat sejak akhir2 ni...yaa...peluang nak update blog aku nih...tapi bile pikir2 balik..ape yang aku nk update kat blog aku nih?
sebenarnya banyak yang boleh di tulis..tapi aku tak tau kat mana nak di mulakan... so camni jelah..ape kate aku mulakan dengan ape yang berlaku sepanjang minggu aku dalam training aku kat least dapat la aku ingat balik pe yang dah aku buat kat Desaru tu...

1st week...
aku ditempatkan dalam group yang dinamakan Daun Lebar Corperation. the reason kami ditempatkan dalam gruop cmni adalah utk membentuk semangat berpasukan dan kerjasama antara ahli2 group.. ada 8 group dalam training nih..semua ada perniagaan masing2.. dan untuk syarikat aku ni.. kami buat homestay... tourism la lebih kurang...tapi memang tourism pon kan...haha...ok2..cukup untuk 1st week...

2nd week...
masa dalam 1st week, kami kena buat post test untuk di tempatkan dalam group English... test tu untuk tgk level english aku dan result u nnt akan digunakan untuk tempatkan aku dalam kelas yang sepatutnya.....dalam 2nd week ni.. aku kena duduk dalam kelas intensif english selama 2 minggu..huhu...dengar cam bosan giler kan...tapi sbenarnya kan... ianya sangat2 enjoy...yela..mana taknya..dapat trainer best and sempoi blaja pon enjoy la...di tambah plak classmate yang sporting and happening lagi la tak bosan...rasanya ckup kot untuk klas english ni..tau jela kan..mesti la blaja english..tapi in the fun way...hehe...rindu kat kelas ni...

3rd week...
aku kembali ke dalam group aku sendiri iaitu Daun Lebar Corp. so, dalam minggu ni kami kena wat modul2 yang pada aku sangat berguna untuk keje, ape yang aku blaja? erm...1st.problem solving (trainer best) 2nd.personal grooming (kelas yang paling best) yang lain aku tak ingat la plak...kalau aku ingat aku update la yek...

week 4...
btol ke ayat tu?...haha...minggu ni aku duduk dalam group baru lagi..jumpe and kenal kawan2 baru lagi...minggu ni, minggu teambuilding..ada indoor and outdoor activities..malas nak cite yang indoor, aku trus je ke outdoor. outdoor activities, group aku kena buat rakit gune pelampung and kayu2. pastu ramai2 naik seberang aku berjaya dengan jayanya...pastu kena buat laluan berhalang..ala yang macam askar tu..panjat tembok, monkey bar, swing2 cam tarzan, sapa yang penah buat tau la yek..

week 5...
aaa...minggu ni kembali semula kedalam kelas...buat modul lagi...layankan aje...dalam minggu ni banyak event yang penting pada group aku..kami kene handle sport, friendly dengan Iskandar Malaysia and Hotel Management. Last but not least Closing Ceremony yang baru je habis tengahari semalam...penat2...pastu aku trus balik umah atok aku....

rasanya cukup dulu kot kat sini..nanti update lagi...


Hari berganti hari...
Minggu berganti minggu...
Bulan berganti bulan....
Tidak terasa begitu cepat ia berlalu...
Semuanya dilalui...
Apakah maksudnya itu...
Yang indah itu kenangan..
Yang buruk itu pun kenangan jugak...
Semuanya, andai di simpul...
Jadilah ia sesuatu yang sangat bermakna...